Artworks included in the exhibition:
All paintings are acrylic on canvas
(for details of the works, please click and hold cursor over the image)
Artist’s Statement
In 1997, I gave up commercial art to chase a dream of becoming my version of a full-time artist, since then my life has slowly lost sight of reality.
My days are now spent persuading cows to stand in the ocean or corralling hundreds of suited volunteers wielding umbrellas into surreal installations or asking politicians politely to sit on toilets on public beaches - even inviting a hundred sausage dogs to the opening of my exhibition. Inspired by these events I create quasi-surreal paintings that exhibit internationally. The rest of my time is spent in solitude contemplating life’s big questions while wondering want I can use to paint a herd of sheep yellow without poisoning them all? When I do have the opportunity to converse with supposedly normal people I find my mind is bombarded with unorthodox questions as a reaction to their conversation, not that it’s banal but far removed from my obscure thoughts…
“I’m here for a purpose, I will have wasted my life If I haven’t pursued my passion. I pray the universe gives me the time and the mind to accomplish all my dreams”
Andrew Baines
February 2020
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Andrew Baines’ Biographical details
Solo Exhibitions:
49 in Australia Switzerland & Singapore
Group exhibitions:
Through out Australia, London, Devon, Manchester UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, Montreal, Ontario Canada, California, Florida USA, Perthshire, St Andrews Scotland, Lausanne Switzerland, Lisbon Portugal & Brussels Belgium, New York City,
United Nations Association of Australia (Envelope art)
Book cover art for the Griffith Review
Book cover art for Life Saving in S.A
Magazine cover art for Dialogue UK
Wine Label art for Wirra Wirra Vineyard S.A
ABC Classics: CD cover
Book cover art for for “I met god in Bermuda” QLD
The ACH Group SA
Common Ground SA
Sight For All SA
Advertiser Newspapers SA
StHilda’s Girls College W.A
CD Cover art for Bet Bet, Pop/rock band Lithuania
European Encyclopedia of Surrealism Lexikon der surrealisten (Gerhard Habarta)
Portuguese Art Book International Surrealism Now (Santiago Ribeiro)
Museum of My Mind (Brolga Publishing)
Australian Embassy Rome Italy
ANZ Bank Singapore
Advertiser Newspapers SA
ACH group SA
Government House SA
Holstein Australia VIC
SA Dept. for Emergency Services SA
Smorgan Collection VIC
StHildas Anglican Girl’s School Mosman WA
St Aloysius College Adelaide SA
Nichi Engineering Malaysia
United Nations Association of Australia
University of SA – Roseworthy College
Wirra Wirra Winery SA
Art Prizes & Entries including:
2018 Semi-Finalist Doug Moran National Portrait prize
2017 Semi-Finalist Doug Moran National Portrait Prize
2016 Finalist Kennedy Art Prize SA
2015 Finalist RSASA Portrait Prize SA
2013 Semi-Finalist Doug moran National Portrait Prize NSW
2012 Finalist Mortimer Art prize for Surrealism
2011 Finalist Nora Heysen Art prize for Still Life SA
2009 Finalist Whyalla Art Prize SA
Finalist Maritime Art Prize VIC
2008 Finalist Corangmarah Art Prize VIC
Finalist Fleurieu Biennale Vistas Prize SA
2007 Finalist Waterhouse Nstural History Art Prize SA
Finalist Whyalla Art Prize SA
2006 Finalist Doug Moran National Portrait Prize NSW
Finalist Fleurieu Biennale Art Prize for Water SA
Finalist Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize SA
Finalist Adelaide Fringe poster Competition
2005 Finalist Spirit of the Outback Art Prize QLD
Finalist Heysen Prize for Landscape SA
Winner Adelaide Cathedral Art Prize observation of Human Behaviour SA
2004 Finalist Doug Moran National Portrait Prize NSW
Finalist Fleurieu Biennal Art Prize forAustralian Landscape SA
Finalist Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize SA
Finalist Grey Mast Art Prize SA
Highly commended Cromwell Art Prize NSW
Surreal installations:
Since 2005, Andrew Baines has created dozens of surreal Installations on Australian beaches via collaborations with Hills Hoists, The United Nations Association of Australia, The West Australian and Adelaide Symphony orchestras, LWD Company, Holstein Australia, the WA state Gallery, Anglicare, FMC Foundation & Wirra Wirra Vineyards with volunteers including Malcolm Turnbull, Alexander Downer & Amanda Vanstone
Recent career Highlights:
Award for inspired contribution to the United Nations Association Australia
Judge of the 2016 & 2017 Walkerville Art Prize
Judge of the 2018 Goolwa Art Prize SA
Included in a Portuguese book of surrealist art entitled “International Surrealism Now”
Commissioned by GOLDOC (cultural part of the commonwealth games) to create a surreal event for the 2018 Goldcoast Commonwealth games. Titled “The water cooler Games” 30 suits carrying briefcases & mobiles in a race along the beach & in the sea.
Collaborated with Holstein Australia, Frances Keevil Gallery & the East Sydney Business chambers to put dairy cows in the sea at Double Bay, The event received international media coverage.
Recent exhibitions in London, Brussels, Singapore, NYC Affordable Art fairs & Lisbon Portugal
Commissioned by the United Nations Association of Australia To create a painting to be used on official UN envelopes to celebrate the UN’s 70th Birthday
Brolga Publishing published & distributed internationally Andrew’s first book entitled
‘Museum of my Mind’ A collection of Andrew’s photos, paintings & quotes